Learn more about our Training Facility and what we can do for you!
Whether you are new to fitness or not, we can help to raise your health and fitness levels in a fun and competitive way. We work with our clients to provide outstanding results with comprehensive health and fitness packages offered at very affordable rates!
Our clients benefit from our results driven programming!

Ask our staff how Desert Sports & Fitness can help you with your wellness, weight loss, and strength programs today!
"I have been a member of Desert Sports and Fitness for about 4 years. I have tried many other gyms but I am most comfortable at Desert Sports and Fitness, they treat you like family."
Alex MendezMEMBER
"I am so grateful for my trainer, she is caring and never gave up on my goal to walk on my own. I am stronger and happier at the ripe age of 81. I recommend Desert Sports and Fitness to anyone who wants to improve his or her life!"
"My trainers at Desert Sports and Fitness have been supportive and helped me accomplish my goals. Desert Sports and Fitness is my favorite gym!"
Edith Martinez MEMBER
"My trainer at Desert Sports and Fitness has always believed in my abilities. His encouragement and tough love has really changed my life!"
Valeria Martinez MEMBER
"I have never been so proud to be a part of a company and program that I truly believe in. This program can and will change your life, your body, and your perspective!"
Christina 'Tina' GonzalesMEMBER
"At the age of 82 and being a cancer survivor, I have a very real sense of mortality and self-preservation. For the first 77 years of my life, I always felt like gym activity would be boring and of little interest: The past 5 years of Desert Sports and Fitness have proved this certainly wrong."
Dave CumminsMEMBER